Temperature Check - Strategic Partner Onboarding and Multi-Sig Proposals

This a so good for hubble future, i support!

Great proposal. This one should be supported at all costs

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Every day is better than yesterday
GO ahead

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The proposal is good. Furthermore, I think we should partner with Avalaunch.


Voted. I agree with the proposal, you’re great,good luck

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voted.i agree with proposal,good job team :+1:

Overall, agreed.
But as others are asking, we need some explanation about the valuation of the protocol.
8.25% of the token will be distributed to the partners. This means that you have valuated Hubble to be a $40,000,000 project at initial stage.
How have you derived to this valuation?
How are these partners(especially the new ones) going to help us?
Also how is $3,300,000 USDC going to be utilized?

Multisig is good ofc, but I think we need more like (5/7 or 9)


I voted. i agree with

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I’m for it! I voted yes, i see equilibrium in this

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I like the line-up of multi-signoooorrrsss. Voted!


This comment was very helpful on shaping my thinking. Thank you


i hope in the near future, more vc join hubble exchange,

this is a good proposal and I agree with that thanks

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agree :grin:very good ,fighting

voted 4 for

thanks hubble

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i think this proposal is good
and agree with them

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The valuation was derived from what the market has seen recently with DeFi-protocols at a similar seed stage level, with experienced teams. The valuation for pre-launch protocols at this stage is typically $20M-$40M of which Hubble would be in the upper bound.

Finding reliable signers who have credibility within the ecosystem and can commit time to swiftly sign transactions is important (but hard). If signing transactions is slow, this can be a bottleneck in operations. Sushi suffered from a similar issue. The multisig can be increased to 4/7 in a future proposal, pending the DAO finding appropriate signors.

How will the strategic partners help? If this proposal passes, GSR would be tasked with managing the liquidity provided. Their value add is in building integrations with Avalanche and Hubble and managing $3,750,000 of liquidity provided by the liquidity providers mentioned in the proposal. When it comes to Framework, their labs team (17 engineers) actively work with their portfolio projects - helping in adoption. In our case, framework is of specific interest because they are already running sophisticated strategies involving adding liquidity to curve pool and hedging it elsewhere.

Each strategic partner has a role. In the proposal, there are Liquidity Providers (Lemniscap, Farid, Sid, Mark), Market Makers (GSR, Finlink) , Ecosystem Partners (like Trader Joe to help with their network, adoption), Quantitative Analysts (Adam, Samneet).

How will the $3,300,000 be utilized? The objective is to use this capital for protocol development, operations (as outlined in HP001), community-building and establishing Hubble as the primary perpetual futures protocol on Avalanche for derivatives traders.


Finding reliable signers who have credibility within the ecosystem and can commit time to swiftly sign transactions is important (but hard). If signing transactions is slow, this can be a bottleneck in operations. Sushi suffered from a similar issue. This can be a V1 of the multisig and more can be added in V2 when it is turned into a 4/7. As the protocol is established and the community grows, it’ll be easier to onboard credible and committed multisig signers.

This proposal does not enforce a time lock on the multisig.


The valuation was derived from what the market has seen recently with DeFi-protocols at a similar seed stage level. The valuation for pre-launch protocols at this stage is typically $20M-$40M of which Hubble would be in the upper bound.


Voted. I agree with the proposal and the team