HP023 - Allocate a $60,000 Grant to the Hubbleverse DAO

Objective: This proposal seeks to allocate a $60,000 grant to the Hubbleverse DAO, providing funding for the next six months.

Motivation: The Hubbleverse DAO was established on January 30, 2022, through proposal HP007, with the primary objectives of creating content, hiring artists, cultivating the Hubble culture and community, and coordinating moderators and community contributors. Through HP016, the DAO was funded again.

Amongst other things, in the last few months, the Hubbleverse DAO has successfully:

  1. Spearheaded marketing efforts for V1.
  2. Onboarded traders and makers and successfully surpassed the minimum threshold of liquidity required to launch.
  3. Hosted Twitter Spaces to foster a culture of learning within the community and cross-project collaborations, such as The Derivatoors initiative.
  4. Designed a variety of NFTs to reward on-chain user actions, encourage governance participation, and commemorate partnerships.
  5. Onboarded perps traders to V1 through on-chain outreach programs across multiple protocols and chains, including Arbitrum, Optimism and Polygon (HP011, HP018, HP020)
  6. Organized Testnet and Mainnet Trading Competitions (HP018)
  7. Ensured consistent and effective moderation of community channels.
  8. Produced all visual, video, and educational content, including the Hubble Webtoon initiative.

As the launch of V2 approaches, it is crucial to maintain and expand marketing and community-building efforts. This proposal aims to secure funding for the Hubbleverse DAO to continue its vital work in these areas.

Funding and Budget: The proposal requests a $60,000 allocation to the Hubbleverse DAO for the next six months. These funds will be utilised to support community contributors, initiatives, freelance artists, creators, and other community-oriented activities.

  • For
  • Against
  • Neither

0 voters


Great proposal for right progress. :ok_hand:

1 Like

great :clap: :clap: :clap:

very gooood :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

i wonder does 60k enough?

Wonder why so few voter here. Hubble is wonderful project

nice proposal :+1: :+1: